All the hurt drove me to the Word of God for answers. This year, I'm reading through the Bible and focusing on God's perspective on the matter of right, wrong, and justice. I mean, if it breaks my heart, how can God stand it? He hears the hidden tears of victims every day. I just hear emotionlessly recounted stories. Their blood cries out to Him directly. I often have no clue.
From what I've seen, it all boils down to love. I should've seen that coming. After all, God is love, right?. But to dig a bit deeper, I've seen true depth in His justice. No one can ever claim that God is apathetic to right and wrong. He hears, He cares deeply, and He acts with a vengeance against wrong. He establishes laws to protect the poor, the slaves, the unloved, and even the land. Truly, injustice in the Old Testament seems to merit death, exile, or intense punishment. As bystanders, most of us would heartily agree. You can't just let people get away with these things!
So, what about today? Why hasn't God just zapped the modern slave traders, the oppressors, the murderers? I think the better question is this: do we really want Him to? Are you really just a bystander? Have you ever taken advantage of someone? said an unkind word? lusted after someone? let your selfishness hurt someone? hated someone? Have you ever been too proud to even apologize for these things?
Then, the question is this: why
hasn't God zapped you and me?
There it is, again: Love.
"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom 5:8)
God was in the ultimate conflict. He is the perfect judge who loves and values all people. He cares infinitely about the person you're slandering, hating, and using. We are an unjust, evil lot, and He really should destroy us. But he cares about us. Conflict. How can He let us get away with all we do to one another? It's not right!In the Old Testament, He allowed scapegoats... Literally. Purified goats to take on the His people's sin. They were killed or exiled after taking on the people's sins. Wrong is serious. There must be restitution. These goats were punished, and justice was served. But was that enough? The people had to continually slaughter these animals. How could dead goats ever change dead hearts?
Enter, Jesus, Father God incarnate. He lived the perfect life. He stepped into the darkest parts of our world and personally experienced great injustices. He met needs in His life, and He solved The Conflict with His death. He is the scapegoat for all humanity. He overcame death to prove His legitimacy and to show that with Him we can overcome. If we let Him be our scapegoat, He goes one further. More than just die for our injustices, He also promises to change our hearts. Good deeds may be nice, but they don't change who we are. At the end of the day, we're all unjust people. There are no innocent juries, no bystanders. In Christ, God gives us the power to become what we could never be: just with God and one another.
So, for me living life, justice means listening to the Father's example of love. It means caring about people enough to stand up for what's right while simultaneously bringing the wrong-doers to restoration. That's a God-sized task.
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