After having moved three times in the past four months, it's kind of nice to have slowed down for a bit. True, I may only have landed somewhere for the next two months, but it's a new phase for sure. Still, God has definitely given me grace to transition well into each of the new phases of my life. Living with my mom, again, is much slower, but I have the time to chew on and digest the things that the Lord is teaching me.
With that, also comes time to type it out in blog form. So, for all three of you who might read this, I hope you enjoy. Even if this goes to no one, at least I can better process as I type.

But, why? So we can feel holier-than-thou [whoever thoust art] or gain points with God?
The Word does promise that our reward will be great, but only because, as Christians, we are already children of the Most High God.(v.35) This is just how His sons and daughters act, because these are His characteristics. We're merely expressing our new-creation DNA when we love and give in ridiculous ways. This is what He did for us and continues to do for us daily.
"...because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."(v.35-36)
When we understand what He does for us in forgiving us, it blows away every idea of judgement or condemnation of others. Moreover, it results in the overflowing thankfulness that we see in the woman who anoints Jesus' feet in Luke 7.
"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven-as her great love has shown."(v.47)
"Jesus said to the woman, 'Your faith has saved you. Go in peace." (v.50)
Note: 1. her love shows that she has been forgiven.
2. Her faith in Jesus (not her offering) saved her
Man, Jesus is good to us.